Monday, November 5, 2012

Six months ago the gallery invited artists around the world to illustrate blank journals. The first person to receive the journal chose a theme. The journal was then passed from artist to artist, each of whom created a work based on the theme. From now until December 16th join us during regular gallery hours and create your own page. Here are just a few sample pages from the journals we have received back.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Fall is probably one of my favorite times of year. The weather is crisp, the sukkah is up, and the leaves are changing into beautiful colors all around. So it is no wonder I had our Fall opening a painting and jewelry show of amazing color. In the gallery you can see the latest works by Ed Meese, a painter who not only has an eye for color, he dreams his paintings! Also in the gallery there are 10 local jewelry artists who focused their pieces using colorful beads and stones to create this amazing exhibit. The exhibit runs through October 25th.

Friday, August 31, 2012

"Why Some"

The gallery is proud to present, "Why Some?" A collection of stark present-day photographs by Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit Executive Director Mark A. Lit. The exhibit gives you a full account of JCCA trip to Poland through the lens of our beloved leader. Hiding at times behind this lens, Mark tells a story, one that sometimes is hard to listen to, but must be told. In the upper gallery we have a wonderful historical exhibit sponsored by The Blavatinik Archives on the Russian Jewish soldiers, the first to liberate the concentration camps during WWII. The exhibit runs through September 23rd.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindness CAN Make A Difference

"Kindness CAN Make A Difference," opened to raved reviews. Visit the gallery and check out these amazing sculptures created out of non-perishable food. At the end of the exhibit, all food will be donated to Yad Ezra and Forgotten Harvest. Food donations will continue through the close of the exhibit. Special thanks to: Smith-Neumann Architects Charlie Zeestraten Construction The Berman Center for the Preforming Arts TMT Designs Terry Lee Dill

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

CAJM in Detroit

The Council of American Jewish Museums held their annual conference in Detroit, and we were the hosts! What an honor and a privlidge to show 80 museum professionals around amazing Cultural Detroit. We went to The Motown Museum, Cranbrook, The Holocause Center, The JCC, Temple Israel, our gallery of course, The Henry Ford, The Arab American Museum, The Charles H Wright Museum and the DIA. What an amazing 3 days!